Local Resident Discount
We love our home team!
Missouri City residents can show their neighborhood address on their driver's license to receive a 5% discount on their tab for being apart of our local community!
Public Servant Discount
We appreciate those who serve our local community!
Police, Fire Fighters and EMT's eat free while on duty in uniform. Off duty personnel also receives a 15% house discount on their tab.
Followers & Friends
We're not saying were Instagram Famous but we would like to be!
Follow us on Instagram @playbookmocity, like and tag 3 of your game day buddies on one of our posts and share it to your story to receive a free gift!
Grand Opening Prizes
Our Grand Opening Event happening August 2024 is going to be A Game-Changer!
Not only are we planning something special...We're also giving away a ton of prizes. Follow us on IG @playbookmocity to learn more.